From 18.00 to 19.30 (last access) entry to the Art Gallery and Crypt at the special price of €3.00
As part of the Ambrosian Academy, the Class of Slavonic Studies envisions as its field of study the subject of this name understood in a broad sense. It does not privilege a national strand of Slavonic studies, but ranges through space (East Slavs and West Slaves) and time (Medieval and Early Modern).
The specificity of the Class is conveyed by its reference to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, understood not so much as a repository of Slavic material, but rather as an integrated cultural system. For four centuries the institution has been a place for the study of its own holdings as well as a meeting place for scholars with a view to the creation of new culture. Over the years it has itself become a generator of history, in the continuous attempt to achieve a balance between its own Ambrosian identity (in the local and ecclesiastical sense, as well as in patristic and literary terms) and openness to the non-Latin cultures that its founder, Federico Borromeo, wished it to include.
Starting from this versatility of the Ambrosiana, the Class's fields of study are not limited to the heritage of books and codices from the Slavonic area present in the Ambrosiana. They extend to the study of the figure of Ambrose and his tradition in the Slavonic linguistic and cultural fields (both in the Paleoslavonic period and in the liturgical, devotional and theological literature of the Catholic, Orthodox and Reformed areas), as well as historical research into the correspondence, gatherings and writings of the Prefects and the Fellows of the Ambrosiana, and more generally regarding the history of relations between the Ambrosiana (and therefore the Milanese area) and the Slavonic countries, from the 16th century to the present. The work of the class comprises not only literature, philosophy and the humanities, but also those disciplines that are connected to the Gallery and the Arts (painting, sculpture, architecture …) represented in it.
Five areas of work can thus be identified: the dissemination of Ambrose’s works and of the “Ambrosian tradition” (figure, cult, doctrine) in the literature and tradition of the Slavonic countries; Slavonic texts and manuscripts in Ambrosiana; the Slavonic presence in the cultural history of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, and the presence of the Ambrosiana in the history and culture of the Slavs in the 16th-20th centuries; the Biblioteca Ambrosiana and modern and contemporary Slavonic studies, especially in the Milanese sphere; the artistic experience of the Ambrosiana in its contacts with the Slavonic world.
S.E. Mons. Mario Delpini, Archbishop of Milan
Marco Ballarini
Vice President
mons. Marco Navoni, Deputy Prefect of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Francesco Braschi
Executive Council 2014-2019
Braschi Francesco (Director), Maurizia Calusio, Adriano Dell’Asta, Roland Marti, Maria Plioukhanova, Krassimir Stantchev, Dieter Stern, Vassja Velinova
Academicians (the asterisk indicates founding members of the Class):
Alzati Cesare (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Ambros Pavel (Olomouc, Repubblica Ceca – [email protected])
Barlieva Slavia (Sofia, Bulgaria – [email protected])
Benacchio Rosanna (Padova, Italia – [email protected])
Bibikov Michail (Mosca, Federazione Russa – [email protected])
Bojović Zlata (Belgrado, Serbia – [email protected])
Bonola Anna Paola (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Brogi Bercoff Giovanna* (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Codevilla Giovanni (Trieste, Italia – [email protected])
Dell’Asta Adriano* (Brescia, Italia – [email protected])
Di Salvo Maria* (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Džurova Axinia* (Sofia, Bulgaria – [email protected])
Filonenko Aleksandr (Charkiv, Ucraina – [email protected])
Franczak Grzegorz (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Garzaniti Marcello (Firenze, Italia – [email protected])
Garzonio Stefano (Pisa, Italia – [email protected])
Goldblatt Harvey (New Haven, Connecticut, USA – [email protected])
Graciotti Sante* (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Hannick Christian* (Würzburg, Germania – [email protected])
Lomagistro Barbara (Bari, Italia – [email protected])
Marcialis Nicoletta (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Marinelli Luigi (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Marti Roland Walter* (Saarbrücken, Germania – [email protected])
Mikołajczak Aleksander Wojciech* (Poznań, Polonia – [email protected])
Naumow Aleksander E.* (Venezia, Italia – [email protected])
Niedźwiedź Jakub (Cracovia, Polonia – [email protected])
Pesenti Maria Chiara* (Bergamo, Italia – [email protected])
Petrović Ivanka* (Zagabria, Croazia – [email protected])
Plioukhanova Maria (Perugia, Italia – [email protected])
Rothe Hans (Bonn, Germania – [email protected])
Sedakova Ol’ga (Mosca, Russia – [email protected])
Semjačko Svetlana (San Pietroburgo, Russia – [email protected])
Sigov Konstantin (Kyїv, Ucraina – [email protected])
Stantchev Krassimir* (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Stern Dieter (Gand/Gent, Belgio – [email protected])
Temčinas Sergejus (Vilnius, Lithuania – [email protected])
Totomanova Anna-Maria (Sofia, Bulgaria – [email protected])
Turilov Anatolij A. (Mosca, Russia – [email protected])
Velinova Vassja* (Sofia, Bulgaria – [email protected])
Vitale Serena (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Voss Christian (Berlino, Germania – [email protected])
+ Zhivov Viktor (2009-2013)
Ziffer Giorgio* (Udine, Italia – [email protected])
Accademici onorari
Ivanov Ivo* (Sofia, Bulgaria – [email protected])
Křesálková Jitka (Bergamo, Italia – [email protected])
Honorary Academicians
Bartolini Maria Grazia (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Calusio Maurizia (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Freda Piredda Elena (Milano, Italia – [email protected])
Gherbezza Ettore (Udine, Italia – [email protected])
Scarpa Marco (Venezia, Italia – [email protected])
Trovesi Andrea (Roma, Italia – [email protected])
Calusio Maurizia, Editorial secretary
Freda Piredda Elena, Academic secretary