From 18.00 to 19.30 (last access) entry to the Art Gallery and Crypt at the special price of €3.00
The new Digital Library was created with the aim of enhancing the main funds (inf., Sup., S.P. and Trotti) through digitization and public and free dissemination via the Internet. In this way, the original manuscripts are preserved and their use is encouraged for the purpose of study and research.
Click here to access the Digital Library
In a medium-long term timeframe, the manuscripts already digitized in the past with different technical criteria will be progressively accessible in digital format. In parallel with this recovery of the “digital past”, the production of high resolution digital copies of other manuscripts is being carried out, in particular those excluded from the consultation due to their storage conditions. The Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana has been able to develop and implement this project thanks to the cultural, scientific and technological collaboration with – in alphabetical order – the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan and the University of Notre Dame (IN, USA)
The project was awarded by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities the official logo of the “2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage”
The new Digital Library with free access of the Ambrosiana updates the celebrated expression of the founder, Cardinal Federico Borromeo, ad publicum commodum et utilitatem (“for the good and public utility”) also thanks – first library in Italy – to the use of the IIIF standard – International Image Interoperability Framework , which allows the widest accessibility of its digital contents.