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Holy Easter 2023
Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum!
Thus begins the liturgical text that we can read under the beautiful miniature that adorns the Mass on Easter day in the precious Missal of 1497 kept in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Inc. 2026) and that we offer as a “visual greeting” to the visitors of our site.
“I have risen and I am still with you”: the Liturgy puts these words on the lips of the Lord Jesus who, after the days of the Passion, becomes present in the glory of his Resurrection. “I’m still with you!”
Faced with the negativity of our world, the risk is that of discouragement: war, disease, social injustice, overlapping problems instill in the mind and heart the doubt of feeling abandoned to ourselves.
The Easter wish that resounds from this illuminated page is instead that of rediscovering joy, confirmation and the certainty that we are not alone, because the risen Lord is always with us and accompanies us day after day on the paths of life.
Msgr. Marco Navoni, Prefect of the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana