From 18.00 to 19.30 (last access) entry to the Art Gallery and Crypt at the special price of €3.00
This painting has been variously interpreted, but currently, critics agree it represents the celebration of the wedding between Peleus, a Greek mythological figure, and the nymph Thetis; the couple gave birth to the famous Greek hero Achilles. The scene portrays the moment when the Nymph is led by a putto holding the wedding torch towards Peleo, who welcomes her to the thalamus depicted on the right, where other winged cherubs are moving aside the curtains. This event is considered to be the cause of the Trojan war, as all the gods were invited to the event, except that of discord, who, offended, threw a golden apple between Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, with the words “To the most beautiful”.