From 18.00 to 19.30 (last access) entry to the Art Gallery and Crypt at the special price of €3.00
This Virgin with the Child in a wreath of flowers is a very important work, since it is the first version created by Brueghel on commission and inspiration from Federico Borromeo. The work had great success and became a common subject at those times, as shown by a similar painting by Daneels kept in the Ambrosiana, or the much more famous version preserved in the Prado, jointly painted by Brueghel and Rubens (but many others could be mentioned). The image goes far beyond the mere devotional aspect, in fact, it assumes an important theological meaning. If we read it in the light of Federico Borromeo’s overall theoretical framework, it is possible to see the whole nature in the garland, brought back to the splendor of its original beauty from the mystery of the incarnation of the Word, visually expressed by the Child cradled by the Virgin Mother. In the soothing tranquility of a forest, the Baby abandons himself to the embrace of the Mother, who looks at her with great sweetness, reminding us of the immense tenderness of Motherhood.