From 18.00 to 19.30 (last access) entry to the Art Gallery and Crypt at the special price of €3.00
On the occasion of the exhibition Il Raffaello dell’Ambrosiana. In Principio il Cartone, Saturday 6 April 2019, the anniversary of the death of Raffaello Sanzio (6 April 1520), the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana will be open for free to celebrate, together with the city, the restored masterpiece of the genius from Urbino.
In addition to the preparatory Carton of the School of Athens of Raphael, displayed in the newly refurbished room designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, it will be possible to visit the section of the museum where some of the most extraordinary masterpieces of all time, such as the Adoration of the Magi by Tiziano Vecellio , the Madonna del Padiglione by Sandro Botticelli, the Madonna on the throne with Sant’Ambrogio and San Michele by Bramantino, the splendid Vases of flowers by Jan Brueghel and the Portrait of a Musician by Leonardo da Vinci are on display.