For Spring 2019 the Class of Latin and Greek studies organizes, as in previous years, a cycle of three conferences entitled Intorno a un Codice. In each lecture, a scholar will present a particularly valuable Ambrosian codex, illustrating its features. These lectures are addressed to an audience of teachers, students and interested citizens.
(Lectures in Italian)
Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 16.30
Stefano Martinelli Tempesta
Isocrate fra manoscritti e stampe. L’editio princeps in pergamena e l’Ambr. O 144 sup.
Wednesday March 4, 2020 at 16.30
Carlo Maria Mazzucchi
L’inedito Encomio di Alessio III di Nicola Mesarite nel codice F 96 sup. Lettura in traduzione
Wednesday March 18, 2020 at 16.30
Marco Petoletti
Il Seneca tragico E 146 sup.