The Statue of Saint Charles in Arona, which popular tradition has affectionately dubbed San Carlone,
was created in the seventeenth century at the behest of Federico Borromeo.
He planned to create a colossal statue, visible even from the lake, to pass on to the future the grandeur of Saint Charles Borromeo, his cousin and predecessor as Bishop of Milan, who died in 1584 and was canonised in 1610.
The statue, hollow and more than 23 metres high, rests on a 12-metre-high granite base. It was made to a design by Giovanni Battista Crespi, known as Cerano. It was then assembled out of large sheets of copper hammered and joined with nails and iron rods by the sculptors Siro Zanella of Pavia and Bernardo Falcoli of Lugano. The work was completed in 1698.
It is the world’s second-highest statue, after the Statue of Liberty in New York. Its surface area is no less than 500 square metres. It is possible to visit the inside, through stairs, up to a height of 28 metres.
Since 1624 the Ambrosiana, at the behest of the Federico Borromeo himself, is the owner of the complex on the hill of Arona.
Single ticket – terrace and statue: euro 10,00
Single ticket – terrace only: euro 5,00
Extraordinary closures are possible in case of bad weather conditions: please always check the website (or Facebook and Instagram) for updated opening hours and access rules before visiting the Statue.
Extraordinary opening times in February
Sunday 11 February and Saturday 17 February
2.00 pm – 5.30 pm (last admission 5.00 pm)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
10.00 am – 5.00 pm (last admission 4.30 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1.00 to 2:00 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
April, May and June
From Wednesday to Sunday + holidays (April 01, April 02, May 20)
10:00 am- 06: 30 pm (last admission 6:00 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
July and August
10:00 am – 06:30 pm (last admission 6:00 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1:00 to 2:30 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
6.30 pm – 10.00 pm
September and October
From Wednesday to Sunday + holydays (September 01, September 02, September 09, September 10)
10:00 am- 06: 30 pm (last admission 6:00 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
Thursday 05 September
6.30 pm – 10.00 pm
From November 01 to November 04
Every day
10:00 am – 05: 00 pm (last admission 04:30 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
From December 21 to December 31
Every day (closed December 25)
10:00 am – 05: 00 pm (last admission 04:30 pm) *
* access to the Statue is forbidden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, visitors will still be able to access the Park and other spaces
Minimum necessary visiting time approximately 30 minutes.
Piazzale San Carlo
28041 Arona Novara, Italia
tel. and fax+39 0322 249 669
[email protected]
Piazzale San Carlo
28041 Arona Novara, Italia
tel. and fax+39 0322 249 669
[email protected]